Lucas Dembart
Director of Advancement

Lucas was born in New Jersey, but spent most of his childhood growing up in eastern North Carolina. As a teenager, Lucas was a YMCA camp counselor for several years, and he was heavily involved in community theater within his hometown of New Bern. For his undergraduate degree, he attended New York University, where he received his BA from the Gallatin School of Individualized Study with concentrations in Creative Writing, Visual Culture, and Philosophy. After graduating, Lucas joined the 2019 Corps of Teach for America, which brought him to Hawaiʻi, and he completed a Master’s in Education from Chaminade University of Honolulu. In 2022, Lucas was selected as a Hawai’i State Teacher Fellow, joining of small cohort of classroom leaders from across the state to participate in advocacy and policy on behalf of public schools. He also served on the HSTA Honolulu Executive Board as the chair of the SHiNE Committee.

After teaching Social Studies at SEEQS from 2021 to 2023, Lucas became the Director of Advancement, a role in which he hopes to support the organization’s long-term mission and vision. Humor, love, empathy, humility, and gratitude are amongst of Lucas’s core values and drive his passion for education, as well as a his belief in the activism that is embedded in public education and sustainability. Above all else, Lucas strives to create a school environment that welcomes and affirms everyone in its community.

"I work at SEEQS because I believe that all of us must actively choose to live more sustainably and leave our environment and communities better than we found them. We are all connected by the duty we have to our planet, our ancestors, and our future generations."​