The SEEQS Sustainability Skills

At SEEQS, one of our core values is Living Sustainably: helping ensure that the planet can continue to support life as we know it for humans and other living species. In order to help create and maintain such a sustainable world, SEEQers are working to master these five skills.

Reasoning Analytically
Making judgments based on reasons and evidence

SEEQers face challenges with reason. They break problems into parts that can be named, studied, and understood. They make judgments based not on unexamined opinions but on the review of data and the weighing of evidence.

Managing Effectively
Finishing what you start, with effort, organization, and care for quality

SEEQers understand that to live sustainably is to live with focus and discipline. They divide large tasks into concrete, manageable steps. They meet deadlines. They seek feedback to improve quality, and they allow time for revision.

Communicating Powerfully
Expressing yourself so that others understand

SEEQers tailor their communication to its context. They consider what their audience needs and expects—clarity and craft chief among them. SEEQers organize their ideas and select the medium that best serves their message. When they express, they show that they've also been listening.

Collaborating Productively
Working together toward a common goal

SEEQers know how to work in teams, recognizing that the important projects and problems of the world cannot be undertaken or solved alone. They know how and when to lead and follow. They delegate to maximize efficiency and individuals’ strengths. They seek input from all involved, both to gain trust and to broaden perspective. They work to ensure that the sum of group effort is greater than its individual parts.

Thinking Systemically
Seeing patterns, making connections, and designing solutions

SEEQers zoom out after zooming in. They synthesize after they analyze. They apply their knowledge across fields in an attempt to understand the complexities of interdependence. They use design thinking to approach problems creatively as well as critically. They seek solutions to problems and translate judgments into actions.